Earwax Removal in Tasmania: 3 years in the making
Reflecting back over the last 3 years of how we (Comfort Clean Ear & others) have been able to transform the management of earwax removal for many Tasmanians, and you can only smile and feel happy with yourself.
3 years ago, Tasmanians did not have much choice when it came to having their ears cleaned or dewaxed. They could either risk getting their ears damaged by self treatment and pharmacy options, risk getting their ears syringed at their GP clinic often after having to come back for multiple appointments or having to wait months upon months for an ENT appointment for safe microsuction to be administered. As an Audiologist working at a Audiology Clinic in Devonport back in 2015 having come across from Melbourne, I was aghast at the lack of options my patients had. What hit the nail on the head for me was when one of my patient refused to wear their hearing aids due to a desire not to have his ears syringed by his GP. I felt bad for him and other like him that there wasn’t really any practical alternative to syringing which I already knew was not the safest procedure around (read my blog about this here). Being the kind of clinician that goes above and beyond the normal call of action, I decided to bring Microsuction Earwax Removal to Tasmania.
The Birth of Comfort Clean Ear
In February 2016, I took my young family across to Melbourne on the Spirit of Tasmania and embarked on a 3 week odyssey getting trained in the microsuction way. It was rigorous training and at first I felt that it was a mistake to have come all this way and how I was not going to be able to learn this skill. But with a bit of grit and determination, having practised on over 100 REAL “brave” patients, the skill was cemented. A few weeks later, Comfort Clean Ear was born in Devonport – the first Microsuction Earwax Removal Clinic in the whole of Tasmania in the history of Tasmania. The first patient I saw was at a home visit in Ulverstone. Since then, Comfort Clean Ear has serviced the needs of almost 1500 Tasmanians from all over the apple isle.
A New Nurse
In May 2017, well respected Registered Nurse Heather Grainger came on board to help see patients in Launceston at the Launceston Medical Centre (aka Launceston Health Hub). Being a very caring human being, Heather approached me to see if it was possible for her to see patients in St Helens. She noticed that we had a lot of patients driving huge distances to get their ears cleaned and she wanted to make it easier for them. I agreed and Heather now conducts appointments in at St Helens GP Clinic every 5-6 weeks.
Heather also noticed that not everyone can or is able to physically come to an appointment at a GP clinic due to physical limitations. Heather therefore conducts home visits as well as nursing home visits for all patient in Devonport and Launceston. Our patients have been very grateful for this service.
Microsuction earwax Removal Clinics in tasmania
If you need your ears cleaned and are living in Tasmania, then you now can go to professional earwax removal clinics in Hobart, Launceston, Devonport, Ulverstone, St Helens and now……..wait for it……….
Heather will now be seeing patients at Somerset Medical Centre. That’s right, if you are living in the north-north west of the state, you will be able to be seen in Somerset for all your earwax removal and outer ear infection needs.
Outer Ear Infections – Otitis Externa
At Comfort Clean Ear, we don’t just clean ears with wax build up. We often see patients with infected debris either bacterial or fungal. When this is the case, quick and decisive treatment is recommended which includes cleaning the ear and applying topical drops prescribed by your doctor. When cleaning is not administered first, the medication is not as effective which is why microsuction ear cleaning clinics like Comfort Clean Ear are really providing amazing help for patients with these infections. Waiting times to see an ENT can be up to 6 months if not longer. Waiting times to see our clinician is sometime only a few hours and at most a few days. We are extremely flexible and also work out ways to see you sooner if necessary and wanted.
Tasmanians have heaps of choice and options now for save earwax removal when only 3 years ago, this was definitely not the case. If you would like quick and effective ear cleaning without the mucking around of going to your GP or waiting months to see an ENT, give us a call on 1300 380 060 or book an appointment online today. Let us rejuvenate your ears and provide the gift of hearing.
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