Ear Wax Removal Products and softeners -which ones actually work
There are a lot of products on the market these days when it comes to ear wax removal, ear wax softeners or for help with itchy or irritated ears. A lot of these items can be purchased at your local chemist. Over the next few weeks Comfort Clean Ear will be putting them to the test and critiquing their effectiveness in terms of whether they do what they are designed to do. We will be judging them based how safe they are, how effective they are, cost, ease of use and the veracity of the evidence provided by the companies that make them.
The products we will be looking at will include (but not be limited to) the following:
- Olive Oil
- Waxol
- Audiclean
- Earol – olive oil spray
- Ear Clear – wax removal syringe
- ProEar from Miracell
Given its natural abundance and ear wax softener that is preferred by us at Comfort Clean Ear. We will be starting with every day olive oil. Stay tuned…..
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